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Smart Contract Version

**Note: A smart contract project is required to create a project version.

List Smart Contract Versions

List Smart Contract Versions




client_id   9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

client_secret   sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

The returned values will be in the format of

Sample Result
"result": [
"status": "deployed",
"compile_type": "standard",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"slug": "1-v100",
"compiler_settings": {
"solidity": "0.8.9"
"packages": [
"slither_file": "fileUrl",
"last_compiled_at": "2024-12-05T06:55:50.000000Z",
"last_deployed_at": "2025-01-07T06:32:06.000000Z",
"latest_error": "",
"vulnerabilities": 4,
"created_at": "2024-12-05T05:47:42.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2025-01-07T06:32:06.000000Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"first_page_url": "http://localhost/api/projects/test-project/versions?page=1",
"last_page": 1,
"last_page_url": "http://localhost/api/projects/test-project/versions?page=1",
"next_page_url": null,
"per_page": 10,
"prev_page_url": null,
"total": 8
"message": "Success"

Get Smart Contract Version Details

Get Smart Contract Version Details




client_id   9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

client_secret   sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

The returned values will be in the format of

Sample Result
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"status": "deployed",
"compile_type": "standard",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"slug": "1-v100",
"artifacts": [
"id": 17,
"contract_name": "ContractB",
"contract_abi": [
"type": "constructor",
"inputs": [
"name": "_contractA",
"type": "address",
"internalType": "address"
"stateMutability": "nonpayable"
"name": "contractA",
"type": "function",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "address",
"internalType": "address"
"stateMutability": "view"
"name": "updateContractA",
"type": "function",
"inputs": [
"name": "_contractA",
"type": "address",
"internalType": "address"
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable"
"bytecode": "0x608060405234...",
"source_code": "fileUrl",
"created_at": "2024-12-05T06:55:50.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-12-05T06:55:50.000000Z"
"id": 18,
"contract_name": "ContractA",
"contract_abi": [
"name": "CountIncreased",
"type": "event",
"inputs": [
"name": "_count",
"type": "uint256",
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256"
"anonymous": false
"name": "count",
"type": "function",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "uint256",
"internalType": "uint256"
"stateMutability": "view"
"name": "increment",
"type": "function",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable"
"bytecode": "0x60806040526...",
"source_code": "fileUrl",
"created_at": "2024-12-05T06:55:50.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-12-05T06:55:50.000000Z"
"compiler_settings": {
"solidity": "0.8.9"
"packages": [
"contract_files": [
"filename": "ContractA.sol",
"url": "fileUrl"
"filename": "ContractB.sol",
"url": "fileUrl"
"slither_file": "fileUrl",
"emitted_events": [
"contract_address": "0x8dAaE2E5bf2AC0833B2287864A15Fa860B98EbDd",
"contract_name": "ContractA",
"events": [
"name": "CountIncreased",
"type": "event",
"inputs": [
"name": "_count",
"type": "uint256",
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256"
"anonymous": false,
"signature": "0x7ca2ca9527391044455246730762df008a6b47bbdb5d37a890ef78394535c040"
"has_anonymous_events": false
"contract_address": "0x2C9B12D8Ecc5370b7d4290e26799F2C7E0C6BB7b",
"contract_name": "ContractA",
"events": [
"name": "CountIncreased",
"type": "event",
"inputs": [
"name": "_count",
"type": "uint256",
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256"
"anonymous": false,
"signature": "0x7ca2ca9527391044455246730762df008a6b47bbdb5d37a890ef78394535c040"
"has_anonymous_events": false
"last_compiled_at": "2024-12-05T06:55:50.000000Z",
"last_deployed_at": "2025-01-07T06:32:06.000000Z",
"latest_error": "",
"vulnerabilities": 4,
"created_at": "2024-12-05T05:47:42.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2025-01-07T06:32:06.000000Z"

Create Smart Contract Version

Create Smart Contract Version




client_id   9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

client_secret   sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*


versionYesThe version name. Only accepts alpha numeric charaters, dot(.), dash(-) and underscore. Empty space is not allowed
compiler_settings.solidityYesSolidity version to be used to compile the uploaded smart contracts
contract_filesYesList of contract files to be compiled. Uploaded files must be in solidity(.sol) format
packagesNoLis of package name used by the uploaded smart contract as an array of strings. Can be ommitted if the uploaded smart contract is in flattened format
Sample Request
curl -X POST "https://API_URL/api/contract/projects/{projectSlug}/versions" \
-H "client_id: 9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc" \
-H "client_secret: sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc" \
-F "contract_files[]=@/path/to/ContractA.pdf" \
-F "version=v1.01" \
-F "compiler_settings[solidity]=v0.8.27" \
-F "packages[]=ethers" \
-F "packages[]=@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades" \

The returned values will be in the format of

Sample Result
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"status": "compile_queued",
"compile_type": "standard",
"version": "v1.01",
"slug": "4-v101",
"compiler_settings": {
"solidity": "0.8.27"
"packages": [
"slither_file": null,
"last_compiled_at": null,
"last_deployed_at": null,
"latest_error": "",
"vulnerabilities": null,
"created_at": "2025-02-10T09:20:34.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2025-02-10T09:20:34.000000Z"

Update Smart Contract Version

Update Smart Contract Version

**Note: Once your project version is deployed, you can no longer update the project version info. Create a new version instead.




client_id   9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

client_secret   sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*


versionYesThe version name. Only accepts alpha numeric charaters, dot(.), dash(-) and underscore. Empty space is not allowed
compiler_settings.solidityYesSolidity version to be used to compile the uploaded smart contracts
contract_filesYesList of contract files to be compiled. Uploaded files must be in solidity(.sol) format
packagesNoList of package name used by the uploaded smart contract as an array of strings. Can be ommitted if the uploaded smart contract is in flattened format
Sample Request
curl -X POST "https://API_URL/api/contract/projects/{projectSlug}/versions/{versionSlug}" \
-H "client_id: 9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc" \
-H "client_secret: sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc" \
-F "contract_files[]=@/path/to/ContractA.pdf" \
-F "version=v1.01" \
-F "compiler_settings[solidity]=v0.8.27" \
-F "packages[]=ethers" \
-F "packages[]=@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades" \

The returned values will be in the format of

Sample Result
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"status": "compile_queued",
"compile_type": "standard",
"version": "v1.01",
"slug": "4-v101",
"compiler_settings": {
"solidity": "0.8.27"
"packages": [
"slither_file": null,
"last_compiled_at": null,
"last_deployed_at": null,
"latest_error": "",
"vulnerabilities": null,
"created_at": "2025-02-10T09:20:34.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2025-02-10T09:20:34.000000Z"

Deploy Smart Contract Version

Deploy Smart Contract Version




client_id   9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

client_secret   sk_9b16ae5638534ae1961fb370f874b6cc*

Example using custodial wallet


wallet_options.typeYesWallet type to be used to deploy. Accepted values: organisation, end_user
wallet_options.addressYesWallet address to be used to deploy the smart contract
deployment_paramsYesList of smart contract(s) to be deployed
deployment_params.*.sc_artifact_idYesThe contract artifact ID. Retrieved from project version details API
deployment_params.*.paramsRequired if contract have deployment parametersKey-value array list of parameters required for the contract deployment
deployment_params.*.orderYesThe order of deployment of smart contract(s) in the list
Sample Request Body (Custodial Wallet)
"wallet_options": {
"type": "organisation",
"address": "0xC7F59f4F9E9e490023576E33Cabb9F9Cf5c48ac6"
"deployment_params": [
"sc_artifact_id": 20,
"params": null,
"order": 1
"sc_artifact_id": 19,
"params": {
"_contractA": "{ContractA_ADDRESS}"
"order": 2

The returned values will be in the format of

Sample Result (Custodial Wallet)
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"deployment_id": "test-project-v101_1738552530",
"status": "pending",
"wallet_options": {
"type": "organisation",
"address": "0xC7F59f4F9E9e490023576E33Cabb9F9Cf5c48ac6"
"deployment_params": [
"sc_artifact_id": 20,
"params": null,
"order": 1
"sc_artifact_id": 19,
"params": {
"_contractA": "{ContractA_ADDRESS}"
"order": 2
"latest_error": null,
"deployed_at": null,
"created_at": "2025-02-03T03:15:30.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2025-02-03T03:15:30.000000Z"

Example using non-custodial wallet (self-signed transaction)


wallet_options.typeYesWallet type to be used to deploy. Accepted values: non_custodial
wallet_options.addressYesWallet address to be used to deploy the smart contract
deployment_paramsYesList of smart contract(s) to be deployed
deployment_params.*.sc_artifact_idYesThe contract artifact ID. Retrieved from project version details API
deployment_params.*.signed_trxYesThe self-signed transaction for the contract deployment
deployment_params.*.orderYesThe order of deployment of smart contract(s) in the list
Sample Request Body (Non-Custodial Wallet)
"wallet_options": {
"type": "non_custodial",
"address": "0x6BCEB78D049FFE517b060fbD6DC1eA11b8e3f4f7"
"deployment_params": [
"order": 1,
"sc_artifact_id": 100,
"signed_trx": "0xf912c18080835b8d808080b9127160806040..."

The returned values will be in the format of

Sample Result (Non-Custodial Wallet)
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"deployment_id": "test-project_5-v001_1738746718",
"status": "pending",
"wallet_options": {
"type": "non_custodial",
"address": "0x6BCEB78D049FFE517b060fbD6DC1eA11b8e3f4f7"
"deployment_params": [
"order": 1,
"sc_artifact_id": 100,
"signed_trx": "0xf912c18080835b8d808080b9127..."
"latest_error": null,
"deployed_at": null,
"created_at": "2025-02-05T09:11:58.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2025-02-05T09:11:58.000000Z"